
Name Type of governor Start of Term of Office End of Term of Office Role
Auffret, Richard Ex-officio Ex officio Ex-officio Head of school
Cooper, Neil Parent 07/12/2023 06/12/2027  
Hall, Luke Parent 07/12/2023 06/12/2027  
Harding, Ray Community 06/04/2019 17/05/2027 Chair
Safeguarding Link
Harrison, Mike Community 08/12/2022 07/12/2026  
Monteith, Matthew Parent 04/01/2022 03/01/2026  
Stephenson Nathaniel Staff 08/12/2022 07/12/2026  
Wong, Miu-Yee Parent 08/12/2022 07/12/2026  


Witchford Village College is part of the Eastern Learning Alliance (, a new multi academy trust formed in September 2020.

The Witchford Village College Local Governing Body details are available to view below and further governance information can be found here.

If you want to contact any of the governors the email address will start with the first letter of their first name, surname

We welcome and encourage feedback, to do so, please contact the clerk, Louise Todd -

Governor Attendance 2023-2024
Register of Interests 2023-2024